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Why do Stormtroopers wear armour?


Howdy, I'm Al
Staff member
Sep 24, 2023
Stormtrooper armour looks advanced (and cool!) but never seems to offer much protection when seen on screen. What are your theories on why Stormtroopers wear armour. Does it offer protection or is it just designed to intimidate?
I like to believe it offers, first and probably least, uniformity (a galactically recognized 'crap the stormtroopers are coming'), climate control so they can actually deploy wherever they need to and be fully effective be it Hoth, a desert planet or a swamp world with untold disease (not that Star Wars particularly gets into this so I won't linger)... I'd say enough armor for sticks and stones but I'll ignore ewoks to make this a point. I have a feeling it's a Battlestar Galactica type of deal where the armor is futile against properly equipped enemies but most of their enemies in the galaxy are not properly equipped. It's the ultimate cheapskate capitalist dream of armor you can send across the galaxy, good enough to keep getting bought and keep costs low, ostensibly doing the job.

Basically, on screen I think it's subject to this trope but on principle there is unexplored use to it and for the majority of what stormtroopers deal with it's actually adequate. And so very galactic empire fantasy, it was an easy sell for the commanders. Since that armor was employed in the prequels and I think canonically was around before the Clones showed up, that sell must have been made a long time ago and Palpatine was a fan and/or it just works™ and he ran with it. Plus it invokes an air of Mando and we know that's a desirable thing in this universe.