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Who would you choose as your Jedi Master?

Who will you receive your Jedi training from?

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All warfare is based on deception
Nov 10, 2023
The Sol System
This could make for a fun discussion. I've listed some primary character below. If you're choice isn't on the list then feel free to mention it below and maybe I or the Staff can edit this post and add the option.

I am leaning towards Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan myself.
Rocky Road.

But, back to the question at hand, Anakin is the most powerful of all Jedi so it would make sense to take him as master above the other's offered.
Indeed. You’re correct. Which is why I want Palps.
Since the boss man has derailed with a Sith Lord I pick Darth Trayus who after all wrangled a black hole and a practically immortal hate lord. Learn dark side wizardry, get a whole new perspective on how to utilize the force, and for that matter learn what it's like to exist when you cannot fall upon space voodoo. Perhaps not the path to ultimate power but I expect she'd be in my corner before long. Ole Sheev frankly seems a little too concerned with becoming god-emperor for the idea of succeeding him to be reasonable.

Now if I had to pick a mainline Jedi and not a weird one like Hoth who would present a chance to deal with the Sith Order properly and completely, then Qui Gon seems like he would be the healthiest choice as the other PT options were a path towards blindness and probable death. I guess so was Hoth, seems to be a running trend- anyway. Yoda and Obi well represented a manner of doing things which would invariably lead to the end of a blaster in order 66 and I'm not sure I'd want to be a jedi in that time after. Anakin I guess could be a quick path to status as an inquisitor where I'd show the spinny blades the true power of the dark side. As a teacher I'm not sure he'd have much to offer, and heck, TCW proves being his apprentice doesn't shield you from disaster. Legends Luke would be interesting, though unless I was particularly exceptional (and I'm not that arrogant) I doubt he'd have the time to do me personally much good, perhaps someone more like Kyle Katarn would be less split while still providing the value. However ST Luke from the looks of it would have nothing to offer me, less than the worst potentials of Obi and Yoda. A shame but it is what it is.
I’ll take Sheev Palpatine please. Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies.

It looks like I cannot edit the poll to add your choice. Are you able to?

Although, a future thread could be "Who would you choose to be your Sith Master?"
I would choose Yoda as my Jedi Master because of his wisdom, experience, and mastery of the Force. His teachings and guidance would provide me with invaluable insights and help me navigate the path of the Jedi.