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Who did you think Rey was before the reveal in Rise of Skywalker?


All warfare is based on deception
Nov 10, 2023
The Sol System
There were a ton of theories floating around back then. And some people went to great lengths to support them. Some were impressively detailed to, such as comparing character music scores with the character music scores in previous episodes.

Finally, we learned that she was (see spoiler). Did you see that coming? Do you think that was the plan from the outset of the sequel trilogy?

Emperor Palpatine... sorta
The first movie had me weary and the second had me sour so I can't say I expected a satisfying end and Rey's identity is one of those things that took serious flips out of character that I found it difficult enough to speculate the traditional way. As much as it is poignant to see a Palpatine call herself a Skywalker I think it's one of the more gibberish outcomes the series blurted out. I'm not opposed to it on principle, a lot of the underlaying ideas could have been serviced if properly built - but the sell was just, nuh uh.

I had enough problems with the trilogy that I didn't terribly care to speculate on this because I was not confident even the writers knew and I was afraid we'd have a contrived mess. Frankly I still managed to be disappointed. TFA carefully lent itself to any interpretation under the sun(s). For better or worse TLJ took positions: it reinforced the idea that the force can be something for anyone, and sought to bury the question. To be fair I don't think it put it to bed entirely but it had something. The third movie seemed to be filled with overt kneejerks, damage control or refusals of things TLJ put together, and attempts to slap in explanations for things that had not been handled well to that point.

I don't think there was a plan, I think we were subjected to a battleground between two writer-directors and that the third movie especially just glued relative nonsense following a long and troubled development that reportedly had what, nearly a dozen endings? That was a red flag.

I'll probably have similar to say in the future, so if signature is unlocked one of these days I'll probably drop a link to this so I don't rant often and I can let sequel discussion go in peace :p
The idea that Rey was connected to Obi-Wan was actually one of the leading theories at the time which was very obvious. The accent was one example of such connections. She keep her British accent. This made Rey and Obi-Wan the only two characters that had similar speaking accent in Star Wars. It was very obvious that from character design to dialogue, it linked up so well that Rey was meant to have a connection with Obi-Wan.
The idea that Rey was connected to Obi-Wan was actually one of the leading theories at the time

That was my initial thought as well. And this could have played out well I think.

I also don't mind who she turned out to be (see spoiler in first post). But it was all a bit convoluted. It could have been ironed out and written a lot better.