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Where do you find reliable and up-to-date information abou real-time strategy games


Gets mad then gets over it
Jul 20, 2024
When it comes to finding reliable and up-to-date information about RTS games, what is your go to platform. Where do you find detailed reviews, expert opinions, gameplay strategies, and community discussions? Do you follow any particular video content creator (who plays RTS), do you follow any game experts on social sites, do you check any particular game magazines? Or, do you use online communities, either forums or social media communities?
I don't deal with rumours or second hand information when it comes to being updated about any RTS games that I'm interested in playing. I always and only make use of the game's official channels to get any updates they have on the games.
I am a member of some gaming forums, here inclusive. I pay attention to the news sections for any updates. There are also blogs that provide updated news, like Esports.
I am a member of some gaming forums, here inclusive. I pay attention to the news sections for any updates. There are also blogs that provide updated news, like Esports.
Nice one, forums are one of the best places to get information. I have come across a few game forums in the past as well, though have never really been active on them.
Nice one, forums are one of the best places to get information. I have come across a few game forums in the past as well, though have never really been active on them.
Yeah active gaming forums are good places to get information, recent and reliable ones at that. You also get to have every gamer’s viewpoints of games and receive help where necessary. Forums are highly underrated.
I can recommend:


I can recommend:


Having been here for a while with all the contents I've seen so far, I can as well pick it as a better place to seek out new updates on RTS games. I've seen almost all RTS games I know of discussed in the community.
This community is actually the best source of information one can have as far as RTS games are concerned. Sometimes I obtain up to date information on discord and Reddit too.