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What's Your LEAST Favorite Species in Star Wars?


Ready for deployment
Oct 12, 2023
I would have to say that I find Twileks looking a bit odd, but I guess I can see the appeal that some people have.
If I dug deep enough I'm sure there are some I could denounce as just stupid (to be fair a twilek jedi sounds like a massive weakness with big hypersensitive ear things), but none of them put me off too badly and stuff like Ewoks and Gungans are marred by in-film presentation (the latter by an idiot who- wait, became a galactic senator, jesus), I don't personally dislike them. Similar with the horse things used to ride on a bloody starship in the ST. Anything else is probably too obscure for me be bothered about.

Now that I think of it I would rather fry the porgs though.
Well, I can tell you that there are so many badly designed and ugly species in the Star Wars franchise but the one's that stood out for me would be Hutts. They are the sluglike creature that was designed as an apelike figure. They really look disgusting.

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I don't really have a least favorite species in Star Wars. Each species brings unique characteristics and adds depth to the Star Wars universe.
The least preferred? Can I select human beings? (Gungans dismissed Jar Jar, saying he was a disgrace to his people. I’m not sure whether I can pick our species, but that would be my pick.