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What's Your LEAST Favorite Film?


Ready for deployment
Oct 12, 2023
I would have to say Episode 1, or any of the sequel trilogy (they're ok), myself. What about you?
AOTC was unremarkable with distinction. TPM had cruft but between maul, some iconic memes and moments and the sheer ground it covered I think it did its job, if imperfectly.

The ST is dead to me though.
AOTC was unremarkable with distinction. TPM had cruft but between maul, some iconic memes and moments and the sheer ground it covered I think it did its job, if imperfectly.

The ST is dead to me though.
Yea, Ep 2 was ... it was ok. The TV show is better than the movie, IMO.

I actually liked Episode 2: Attack of the Clones.

I will admit I found it difficult to follow the first time through and I had to go watch it a second time. But that might have just been because I was tired that evening.

I don't have many complaints until we get to the sequel trilogy.
My least favourite Star Wars movie is going to be Solo. The movie lacked in every major possible way. There wasn't any progression of the story from what was acted in the Solo. Also, the movie proved to be the very worst of it by being the most expensive in Star Wars that's the first Star Wars first box office flop.
I don’t really have one that is considered my least favourite. I enjoy them all equally. Some of the Star Wars titles I can get into more easily than others.
Of course, I liked the new one I watched (at the theater) the least. It's cause I haven't had time to really get into the new ones. It's the same deal as with Star Trek. I like the old ones with Spock and all that.
I don’t really have one that is considered my least favourite. I enjoy them all equally. Some of the Star Wars titles I can get into more easily than others.
Yeah right! Some movies get us like that especially when they are franchise movies. There are some of releases that will be very easy for you to get into while some of them will be a total struggle for you but that doesn't mean you never like them or looked down on them.
My least favorite Star Wars film would have to be "Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones." The romantic dialogue between Anakin and Padmé feels forced and awkward, and the overall plot doesn't captivate me as much as the other films in the franchise.