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What makes a good RTS player?


Gets mad then gets over it
Aug 27, 2024
Okay I know I have been saying this for some time now and it's probably getting old, but as a beginner when it comes to RTS gaming, what tips would you give? What actually makes a good RTS gamer, is it their knowledge on their enemies or how well they are able to manage their resources and economy.
Multi-tasking, critical thinking, decision making. Timing too, I guess. It's the ability to manage competing demands successfully.
Resource management is also very important. Then you need to have well informed informations about your enemy, which you can get through scouting. Strategic planning too, all of these makes a good player.
Resource management is also very important. Then you need to have well informed informations about your enemy, which you can get through scouting. Strategic planning too, all of these makes a good player.
Agreed! You can never take out resource management when listing what makes a good RTS gamers because if you have everything right but can't manage your resources, you're dead.
While I may not be the best person to provide advice on this question, I believe that a good RTS player should have good strategic thinking capabilities. They must also be versatile to diverse strategies, capable of multitasking flawlessly, and have a thorough understanding of the troops or units they use in warfare. Furthermore, resilience and patience are vital qualities when playing RTS games. Given that RTS games are mostly competitive and fast-paced, players must remain calm and collected and use their decision-making skills efficiently to steer clear of losing.
Resource management is also very important. Then you need to have well informed informations about your enemy, which you can get through scouting. Strategic planning too, all of these makes a good player.

Having key information about your rival is crucial when it comes to playing RTS games. You need to be well-informed about how to attack or counterattack them before you can be able to achieve a lot in any RTS game that you set to play.
For me, I just like to enjoy playing. I don't really want to learn new strategies or whatever, but there are some tips like getting to know your enemy resource manager, etc. that make one a great player.
I won't say i’m a top level RTS player but with the experience I've got, the key to excels is mastering resource management, unit control, scouting, and adaptability. I also find the knowledge of the enemy's strengths and weaknesses very crucial too.
For me, a good knowledge of micro-management and macro-management are very essential for an RTS player. He should be able to balance both aspects and also make sure that tactical decisions are made while keeping the bigger picture in mind at the same time.
There are lots of things involved. A good RTS players must possess a combination of skills which includes the game knowledge and quick with making decisions. They should understand the games mechanics so well too.
You can't be a good RTS player if you are not able to read the game and anticipate. And then, you have to be able to make decisions on strategies within split seconds. That's being decisive. And then, the ability to multi task is just basic to be a good RTS player.
I think that for those who have good strategic thinking and who know how to manage resources well, there are many more factors that make a good RTS player, but I think these are the most important.
Do you have strategic thinking? Do you have tactical awareness? Do you have adaptability, speed, and precision? Do you know about the game, do you have a lot of experience? If your answer is YES, you are a good RTS player.