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What Kind of Hard and Soft Skills do You Need for RTS games?


Gets mad then gets over it
Jul 20, 2024
RTS games are usually considered very demanding as you need a set of hard and soft skills. You need hard skills like strategic planning, resource management, and quick decision-making, and soft skills like multitasking, adaptability, and even stress management. If you want to play in multiplayer mode, you also need communication skills and the ability to work in a team.
Resilience is a very important soft skill to have. You cannot possibly win every battle. You will make some mistakes, you will have setbacks and you will experience defeats. You should be able and willing to learn from them and bounce back from them.
Quick decision making is also another skill every RTS gamer needs to have. From time to time you might find yourself in touch situations where making a choice a little too late might cost you everything.
Quick decision making is also another skill every RTS gamer needs to have. From time to time you might find yourself in touch situations where making a choice a little too late might cost you everything.
The decisions players make is very important and can affect them in the course of the game negatively or positively. That is why it is important to be able to make fast decisions and think quickly.
In my humble opinion, playing RTS games entails a combination of hard and soft skills. These include adaptability, knowing every unit's strengths and weaknesses, and the capacity to react rapidly to changing situations. You also need great micro and macro management skills, as well as a fair a lot of patience, which I lack. I am easily upset, which can have an adverse impact on my decision-making ability. It is something I have been working on for quite some time now and I think I have fairly improved.