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What difficulty setting do you prefer?


Howdy, I'm Al
Staff member
Sep 24, 2023
Do you go easy and just enjoy the story or max out on insane for the greatest challenge? I tend to stick with normal or medium as it’s what the developer intended for the best possible experience. What’s your preference?
I love playing video games as much as I can and always like a challenge but hate it when a game is pretty much unplayable on my first playthrough until I understand the game.

When first playing a game I always start on normal and if I wish to play through the game again, I tend to then increase the difficulty once I know what happens in the game.
A difficult level gives me stress. Most times I often get teased for playing games on easy and normal mode. I don’t care though, I just want to have some fun.
The life decisions I have to make are stressful enough.
I often get teased for playing games on easy and normal mode.
Another way to think of that is story mode. Videogames are interactive entertainment, aren't they? You should be able to enjoy the experience free from stress if that's what you want to do.
I usually play in story mode my first time around, so I can get a feel for the game. Once I beat it once or twice I will go to hard or hardcore
I usually just start on Easy or Normal if it's a game I never played before, or a game I haven't played in a very long time. It also depends on if I want to do a challenge in a video game too. Games are meant to be enjoyed and I think for me personally the best experience is to get used to the game on Easy first, then challenge myself later on.
I usually just start on Easy or Normal if it's a game I never played before, or a game I haven't played in a very long time. It also depends on if I want to do a challenge in a video game too. Games are meant to be enjoyed and I think for me personally the best experience is to get used to the game on Easy first, then challenge myself later on.

I don't think I cam start any game on the easy option. It can easily get bored, and that is why I will prefer to start on a medium and watch how difficult the game is before upgrading to the hard mode.
Personally, playing video games on easy mode makes me feel like I wasn't serious with playing the game. I always go strong and difficult with any game including the well known soul's games that are very difficult.