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What are the most common mistakes beginners make in RTS games?

The General

All warfare is based on deception
Jul 22, 2024
Making mistakes in RTS games is very common for new beginners. It's only when they keep playing more that they get better with the game. Even those who are familiar with RTS games still make mistakes in some games, no gamer is 100% perfect.

What are the common mistakes you made as a beginner playing RTS games?
Beginners often make the mistake of focusing too much on building a big army without balancing resources and economy. Well, I have to admit this was what I was doing when I started playing RTS games. Another mistake that I made as a beginner was overextending forces, and leaving the base vulnerable to attacks.
There are always quite a number of units and factions. Newbies often make the mistake of trying to master all of them at once. That is counterproductive, take it one unit at a time.
Another major mistakes most amateur RTS gamers is that they don't make upgrades. Upgrade can make your capabilities a lot stronger.
My own experience as a newbie to RTS games taught me that one of my biggest mistakes was failing to set up a strong defense. This caused me to lose the resources I had collected. Another error was failing to scout the region before deploying my troops, which led to my loss. I also wasted resources by building excessive structures. I must admit that I still make the same mistakes from time to time. LOL. I hope I will improve in the future.
Beginners often make the mistake of focusing too much on building a big army without balancing resources and economy. Well, I have to admit this was what I was doing when I started playing RTS games. Another mistake that I made as a beginner was overextending forces, and leaving the base vulnerable to attacks.
Gamers that are new to RTS games are always overzealous about building many units. And before it dawns on them that those units are actually more than they can manage, it is already catastrophic. And they also are not strategic about how they enter the territory of the enemies. I also made this mistake myself and I was easily decimated.
One of the mistakes I made as a beginner was focusing too much on offense. When you do that you will be leaving your bases vulnerable to attacks, which can cause significant losses. I think this is also a common mistake
I think that one of the main mistakes that newbies make in this type of video game is neglecting resources, resources are the most important part of almost any RTS video game, neglecting this aspect will put you at a disadvantage.