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Unveiling The Galaxy’s Finest: The Best Star Wars Games Of All Time

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Howdy, I'm Al
Staff member
Sep 24, 2023
I am disappointed beyond measure that KOTOR 2 did not make the list and will begin plotting your deposition with a more respectable Dark Empire Cafe immediately.

But seriously, it's neat although I expect other versions would consistently include Battlefront II (original), possibly rank Survivor/Fallen Order higher (as the snazziest modern titles to come around), and I guess it depends who you ask as far as how high SWTOR ranks. I'd have to rank it high for its consistent longevity and being a simply good MMO even though I don't care much for how the lore went with it. A lot of the older titles are at the mercy of, well, exposure to the older content... newer players may not see eye to eye and regrettably that even includes esteemed titles like KOTOR and 2. The Force Unleashed made its splash on consoles but as far as I can tell is still well-regarded. I'm mixed on that one but it could make the later half of a list for me. Good effort regardless...
Well here's a shot, a rather subjective top 10.
So, Tie Fighter, Republic Commando, Rebellion, Dark Forces vie top 15, with determined followings that are impossible to ignore. Basically up to spot 8 is stuff I haven't played a whole lot if at all. I have (most of) them, I could install them and give them a whirl, but I'm into so many things that they never got a chance to leave a mark. Profile aside I do have other hobby pursuits from Star Wars even for gaming and media. So this is where the personal bias really gets in as the list is written in order of exposure and personal attachment. The order would be different in terms of what impact they've had on the Star Wars scene or what would be generally most worth someone's time to play, but that's research and so forth...

On the other hand I've blacklisted the most recent battlefront titles as I greatly dislike the business practices of EA especially regarding BF2 and controversy has scared off looking into them further. They just don't have anything to offer me.

Anything not mentioned just hasn't had any impact on me at all.

10. The Force Unleashed
I thought I'd give this one a spot for posterity although honestly, anything down this far is stuff I haven't gotten into. I know the story is rough but I've gotten the chance to watch enough gameplay firsthand that it seems to be worth the time if you get the chance. I thought I'd rate this higher but actually looking at the options, I realize this is just... meh. The more you know.

9. Squadrons
You could probably swap this with Tie Fighter, however I have regrettably never played Tie Fighter and I've had better exposure to this one even though I haven't played it either. I think I'd try both about the same time. I like to encourage good modern efforts and I've seen enough play that this would, at least eventually, be something I'd visit and I don't like to bury my head completely in the 90s and early 2000s. But you'll notice the full on space combat titles never grabbed me so I can't rate them high. A more objective list would probably rate them higher.

8. Jedi Outcast
I respect its storytelling so it ranks high in the classic category. It's this far down because I've had more gameplay or more impact from everything that follows. This unfortunately hits the caveat 'not enough exposure' - other things took my interest first and this never had the chance to shine.

7. Knights of the Old Republic
The original, specifically. I know this is rather low, it's because this entry never did a whole lot for me. I played it through once and that was enough. I played the sequel and it clicked so this always - perhaps unfairly - fell by the wayside. Still an all-time title to make the list.

6. Empire At War
I have a thing for grand strategy, must be my Total War tangent, and I've had some fun moments with this even though I've never stuck to it. It's a fairly impactful title and carries the strategic space for the franchise, so it got a spot for sure and some reserved drive space to give another spin one day. Soon™

5. Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR)
My favorite era but I have a love-hate relationship where they went with this. I think KOTOR's plot threads were mostly abandoned and I don't really have the time to sit still and MMO all day so it's not here as a personal favorite, but I respect what it does, the fact it's still going, and the fact it's sustained the old republic as an interesting period. It's a period I'm frankly a bit worried to see today's Lucasfilm start getting into. But the fun of it is how many periods there are, everyone can have their slice of galactic history to settle down in...

4. Battlefront 2 (original)
This one is legendary among the classics and I have some early nostalgia playing this. There's still a multiplayer community last I saw, but singleplayer is a nice kick too. I definitely give this a run from time to time. Not a storytelling masterpiece, maybe not even the best of gameplay, but reliable enough in multiple areas.

3. Fallen Order / Survivor
This singleplayer avenue is the best latest thing the gaming sector of Star Wars has to offer for me. I'd like to recognize that despite most of my passion and nostalgia sitting in older titles. Not a whole lot of personal impact to date but they're here because I'm very likely to visit them within the year. I have not played Survivor but I am very hopeful, I like what I see enough so far that it gets a pre-emptive slot alongside fallen order. I'll try to remember to revisit if I'm disappointed and it falls down or off the list. I hope not...

2. Jedi Academy
Not because of vanilla story but because the modding really got me. I have a sandbox mod that just endlessly piques my imagination, so I have more hours here than any other star wars title. There's other odd mods and scenarios that bump my time in this one. Diversity + fluid gameplay = one of those core games I come back to. I'm also toying with the idea of modding it, but that's probably a pipe dream.

1. Knights of the Old Republic 2
Well this shouldn't surprise you, it's the Star Wars game that had the most impact... however it's not one I'd replay often. I've played it twice. I might play it a third time before it languishes for years again and by then it might slide down a few entries. But it definitely got me thinking and I say it has the most to offer the franchise in creative potential.
...I think the spoiler background contrast needs a re-tune 🤔