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Subscription services - the future?


Howdy, I'm Al
Staff member
Sep 24, 2023
What's your opinion on subscription service for gaming? Services offered by Xbox and Sony have been around for a long time but we're starting to see more and more gaming companies adopt the subscription service model. EA is an obvious one, as is Ubisoft+

Is this the way forward? Things like Netflix and Amazon Prime video have all but killed off the DVD/Blu-Ray market. Spotify and other music services are hammering CD sales. Is gaming the next thing to be dominated by the cloud?
We'll see the eventual downfall just as we're seeing with the TV and movie side of things. Especially if these companies make it difficult to get your game or even mess with availability.

In the US, there is a large area of the country who don't have high-speed data. This problem essentially locks those people in these areas out of the digital-only ecosystem. This is where physical media remains the only source for getting new games. Add in that the ISPs are or have been thinking of implementing a data cap which again, kills the downloading games that have ballooned into the hundreds of Gigabytes.

Even though I find gaming in the cloud to be a good thing, there needs to be options and those options need to be available for all.
Even though I find gaming in the cloud to be a good thing, there needs to be options and those options need to be available for all.
Ya. I think there will still be a market for physical copies for a long time, but it seems as if the winds of change are blowing.