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Sign our open letter to EA and support the return of Command & Conquer


Howdy, I'm Al
Staff member
Sep 24, 2023
This is now currently making the rounds on Reddit. What do you think? A worthy endeavour or doomed to fail?


Skip the blurb and sign:

Sign the Petition

Dear Commanders,

Recently, I came across a thread in this sub where we talked about making some noise for another Command & Conquer remaster. The passion, the memories, the sheer love for this franchise—it’s all still here, alive and kicking. And that got me thinking… why should we stop at talking? Why not turn this passion into action?

It’s clear that Command & Conquer isn’t just a game to us; it’s a legacy, a part of gaming history that deserves to be brought back with the glory it once had. And we, the die-hard fans, have the power to make that happen.

That’s why I’ve written an open letter to EA, urging them to bring back Command & Conquer with the quality and care it deserves. Whether it’s a new remaster that does justice to our favorite titles or a completely new game that stays true to the spirit of the originals, we need to let EA know that we’re ready, and we’re demanding it.

But I can’t do this alone. We need to show EA that we’re serious. I’ve started a petition on Change.org, and I’m calling on every single one of you—whether you’re a GDI commander, a Nod loyalist, or a Red Alert strategist—to sign it. The petition includes the full text of the open letter, and together, we can flood EA with our collective voice.

Here’s the link to the petition:

Sign the Petition

This is more than just a petition—it’s our rallying cry. It’s our chance to bring back the franchise that shaped so many of our gaming lives. Every signature counts, and every share helps spread the word. Let’s show EA the true strength of the C&C community and demand the revival we’ve all been waiting for.

Sign the petition. Share it. Make noise. Together, we can make this happen.

Let’s do this!
I saw this on Reddit this morning. I have signed it as I am a sucker for the underdog and a worthless cause.