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RTS HQ Sanctuary: Shattered Sun – a New Dawn for RTS?

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Howdy, I'm Al
Staff member
Sep 24, 2023
It could very well be deemed the spiritual successor to the games we created at Gas Powered Games.

– Chris Taylor, creator of Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander
Sanctuary: Shattered Sun is an in-development large-scale real-time strategy game which is being built from the ground up by a team of people aiming to capture the epic scale and strategic intensity of the iconic Supreme Commander series. Enhearten Media are a small team of RTS veteran developers who are aiming to release a game that will channel the legacy of Supreme Commander whilst introduced innovative and never-seen-before mechanics. If ever you needed proof of the credentials for the team behind Sanctuary: Shattered Sun, the above quote from the driving force behind Supreme Commander should be it.

One I've been following on Reddit for a while. Looks like the game we whish Supremem Commander 2 was - or maybe Supreme COmmander 3.
One I've been following on Reddit for a while. Looks like the game we whish Supremem Commander 2 was - or maybe Supreme COmmander 3.
To be fair, supreme commander 2 did well. People just thought it fell short because they compared it to the original which was an absolute masterpiece. That said, there is no Supreme Commander 3 🙂
I've been following on this game Sanctuary: Shattered Sun for a long time. I can't wait for it to be finally completed and ready. I understand the developers doesn't want to rush it to ensure everything was dully covered.
I've seen some news post up on it, the team is very dedicated to it, can't wait to see the final product for it !
Yeah, that's very correct. It's why I'm always following up on their progress on Twitter/X all the time as I'm subscribed to their updates.

This is their Twitter/X page.
