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RTS Keyboard Remaps for Left-Handed Players?


Ready for deployment
Aug 28, 2024
So I happen to have the particular minor disability of being left handed and experiencing life rotationally backwards. A few months ago, I got myself a left-handed mouse and love it. It saves me several minutes daily. But that means that instead of using my left hand to operate my keyboard, I'm using my right hand to operate it.


Recently I've noticed that Stormgate has the controls for attack, move, stop, etc on the left side of the keyboard like this:


This puts my hands very close together and puts an outside strain on my wrist muscle. I'm thinking it might be better to remap the controls from A, S, D, F, G, Z keys and put them on the J, K, L, ;, ', and M keys. This would allow my right arm to be straight.


I have a questions:
1. Is such a remap worth it, especially in an esports environment where every second counts?
2. Are there any games out there that show the keys that functions are mapped to, rather than the standard keys? I'm asking because stormgate puts the keys for main functions on the screen, so it makes me wonder if the other games do that too and how much confusion and extra processing this could mean for my overloaded brain.
3. Are there any other players who have suffered from this problem who have came up with solutions?
Is such a remap worth it, especially in an esports environment where every second counts?

Yes, absolutely worth it. Any QoL improvements are always worth it. I'm a right-y so I have never really looked into remapping. I can't therefore suggest any additional games where this would be useful.