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Read the guidelines; they're like rules but more relaxed.

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Howdy, I'm Al
Staff member
Sep 24, 2023
Welcome to our off-topic section, where the rules are more relaxed. We're all here to have a good time, so let's keep things light and enjoyable. Below are the guidelines to follow:
  1. Keep It PG-13: While we appreciate your enthusiasm, remember this is a public forum. Keep the content appropriate for a general audience.
  2. Avoid Controversy: Topics like religion and politics are a divisive and this is a community which promotes inclusivity. Let's keep them off the boards.
  3. No Spamming, Please: Quality over quantity, folks. Meaningful discussions are wonderful.
  4. Stay on Topic (Sort Of): This is the off-topic section, try to keep your discussions somewhat coherent. Randomness is fine, but let's not go completely off the rails.
  5. Have Fun: Last but not least, remember that this section is here for you to unwind, share a laugh, and enjoy some random conversations. So, go ahead, have fun, and make some new friends along the way!
Now that you've skimmed our relaxed rules (they're not as heavy as a medieval broadsword), go ahead and dive into the off-topic discussions. We can't wait to see what you bring to the table!
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