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Is the Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic Remake Still in Motion?


Howdy, I'm Al
Staff member
Sep 24, 2023
In a galaxy not so far away, where rumours spread like wildfire, the fate of the highly anticipated Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake seemed uncertain. Whispers of its demise echoed through the cosmos, yet a recent revelation by a well-placed insider suggests that the project is very much alive, defying the naysayers.

The saga began when Lucasfilm Games, riding the waves of their recent revitalization, entrusted the monumental task of remaking the BioWare classic to Aspyr, a developer with a modest remastering pedigree. However, the Force had other plans, and Aspyr was swiftly replaced by an unnamed Saber Interactive developer in Eastern Europe. The choice raised eyebrows, leaving many to wonder if this unknown entity could rise to the challenge.

View attachment 108Fuel was added to the speculative fire when rumours, originating from the enigmatic Jeff Grubb, hinted at the demise of the remake. Grubb's words painted a bleak picture, suggesting the project was 'deader than dogsh**' due to Sony's alleged withdrawal and Lucasfilm's reluctance to invest in the venture.

In the cosmic hierarchy of sources, Grubb's credibility danced on the edge of uncertainty. Enter Jason Schreier, a beacon of reliability in the gaming realm. Schreier's insights contradicted Grubb's claims, affirming that the remake, though facing uncertainties, was not abandoned. The question lingered: Was it truly alive, or merely clinging to the edge of existence?

On the forum ResetEra, Schreier posed the pivotal questions: 'Is it alive?' and 'Will it ever actually come out?' The uncertainty surrounding the project's future persisted, with Schreier acknowledging the possibility of abandonment. However, he shed light on insider information from two Saber Interactive sources, affirming that active development was, indeed, ongoing.

The narrative took a turn when Sony's delisting of the announcement trailer prompted speculation. While officially attributed to a music rights issue, the absence of a reassuring word about the project's continuity left fans in the dark. The very concept of entrusting a full remake of one of the most revered Star Wars games to a relatively small developer seemed as audacious as navigating an asteroid field blindfolded.

Fast forward to the present, where conflicting reports continue to swirl. Jeff Grubb's proclamation of the remake's demise clashes with Schreier's insider insights, creating a cosmic quandary for Star Wars enthusiasts. The journey of the Knights of the Old Republic Remake has been fraught with uncertainties, studio switches, and a shroud of secrecy maintained by Embracer, the parent company overseeing the project.

As we navigate the hyperdrive of speculation, the overarching concern remains—the fate of a beloved Star Wars tale hangs in the balance. Will the Force guide the remake to completion, or will it be lost to the sands of time? Only time, and perhaps a few well-placed lightsabers, will reveal the destiny of the Knights of the Old Republic Remake. May the Force be with it.
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A concerning thought is, regardless if it is made or not, if the game will release as a visible product of development hell and be worth whatever asking price. No doubt whatever was originally in play has been scrapped and restarted. This has been the bane of many games which were then shoveled out in the effort to capture the moment before it's gone or just to fulfill publisher scheduling. I was reasonably confident in Aspyr given their work on porting related titles but this indicates there's a mess we haven't even seen going on. We can only hope for the best.