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Do you have a set time when you play RTS games?


All warfare is based on deception
Aug 26, 2024
I usually do not have a set time for playing real-time strategy games. If I do not have work, I tend to play in the morning until just before lunchtime. On days when I have work or errands to run, I typically manage to squeeze in 30 minutes to an hour of gameplay. Occasionally, I am unable to play due to being preoccupied with other tasks. However, my sister prefers to play in the evening as it helps her to wind down and fall asleep easily. LOL. How about you? Do you have a specific time slot for playing RTS games?
I do not have any specific time for playing RTS games, I play when I have time and I want to relax. While playing RTS, I also need a calm mind as I need to do strategic plannings. Therefore, when I start playing RTS, I always have a cool head.
I play mostly at weekends when I am less busy from work. It is also important to understand that this decision is because I am someone who likes to play for a longer period of time and playing at weekends give me the perfect opportunity.
I usually play RTS games after the day’s work. And that’s usually round 5-6 pm. It's a great way to unwind after a long day at work. Sometimes, I may decide to play with my friends online but it's mostly during the weekends.
I work for 8 hours on a daily basis. By the time I get back and prepare my dinner it’s already late. And I would not want to get to work late the next day. So I only have two days to play, and they are Fridays and Saturdays evening. A few of those days I a month I include RTS games.
I only play any kind of video games whenever I'm free. The same thing goes for any RTS games that I have to play. It's mostly from around 7pm to 10pm that I will have time to play those games.
I don't have a specific time when it comes to playing RTS games. I mostly play during my free time and recently I have not been having enough free time due to the many projects I have on my hand.
I don't have a specific time when it comes to playing RTS games. I mostly play during my free time and recently I have not been having enough free time due to the many projects I have on my hand.
It's the same thing with me as well. I wouldn't mind playing video games anytime if I'm not doing anything serious. But for the fact that I'm committed to so many things and have responsibilities to take care of, I will be forced to cut down by gaming time.
I don't have a specific time where I play RTS games, but I do usually play video games almost always at night, so that's more or less the time where I usually play RTS games.