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Best Strategies for Early Game Dominance


Gets mad then gets over it
Jul 20, 2024
I’m fund of rushing in RTS games. I think what you should think on your head as Pro gamer is to catch your opponent off guard and quickly take out their economy before they can even react. My go-to tactic is to actually start with a very small group of fast units and this could be like scouts or light infantry, and you can use them to harass your opponent's resource gathering. At the same time, I'm actually pumping out more of the units and upgrading my tech to get access to stronger units. So with this, before my opponent realizes what's happening, I've already got a significant advantage. You feel me? . What you should know is that the strategy requires good micro and map awareness, but if it's executed correctly, it's can be very devastating.
It really depends on the game, I guess. But very generally early harasss to deny resources to the enemy or disrupt carefully laid opening strategies. It can be very easy and its a noob mistake to just focus on what you are doing for early game dominance when you need to think of what your oppinent is doing too and smash him. Disrupy, harass, annoy.
When it comes to achieving early dominance in most RTS games, it is important to look at being able to expand quickly and aim at controlling key areas as that is what is going to give you the power to always be in charge. Also, when you are able to start with a solid economy, you will have the resources at hand that can make you achieve the goals that you map out while playing the game.