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Are RTS Games Really Hard To Play?


Gets mad then gets over it
Jul 20, 2024
I play multiple genres and based on my experience RTS games are very challenging. In order to play RTS games, you need skills like quick decision-making, multitasking, and strategic planning. You also have to manage resources and time efficiently, usually in a fast-paced environments. Therefore, I believe RTS are more complex than many other game genres. What do you think?
To be fair it can be quite a challenge and confusing at first. There are many mechanics, units and strategies to learn. It can be overwhelming and be a struggle to keep up.
The simple truth is that if you are not familiar with playing real-time strategy video games, you will never get it right. This is the reason why you have to learn how to play the game so that you can actually successfully play it.
I think they're pretty easy to play to be honest, but you need to dedicate a lot of time to be successful, and get the upgrades.
As someone new to real-time strategy games, I find them difficult to play. I am not very good at strategizing, but I am glad that playing real-time strategy games has helped me improve my decision-making and problem-solving skills. Most of the time, it takes me a long time to learn the game's mechanics and the strategies I will use. It is good that some real-time strategy games provide tutorials to help players manage the game's complexities. They can be of help to me, who is not an expert when it comes to real-time strategy games.
For a beginner, it's going to be extremely hard especially getting used to the whole gameplay and mechanics. There are people who are naturally good at games like this, but it still takes time for to get use to it at first. For me on the other hand, I still find it confusing. I guess I still need more time to get use to it.
For a beginner, it's going to be extremely hard especially getting used to the whole gameplay and mechanics. There are people who are naturally good at games like this, but it still takes time for to get use to it at first. For me on the other hand, I still find it confusing. I guess I still need more time to get use to it.
Exactly. Comments that it is hard are often made by new users who were not familiar with RTS games before and are playing for the first few times. But if these ones calm down and take their time to learn, they soon catch up with it and enjoy it.
Exactly. Comments that it is hard are often made by new users who were not familiar with RTS games before and are playing for the first few times. But if these ones calm down and take their time to learn, they soon catch up with it and enjoy it.
Very true, it's all about being patient. I believe why most new players complain is simply because they are usually not patient enough to get to the fun part. One thing I have come to know about RTS games is that the beginnings can be sort of boring for beginners.
Compared to chess, I would say that they are pretty easy. RTS games are similar to how real-life combat is conducted, which is a concrete skill that anyone can learn, whereas chess is more abstracted. Personally I got a book on military strategy to speed up the learning process. That helped me understand the logic behind troop movements and how real-life warfare works, which translates well.

As a reference point, I have been studying chess for 2 years and still am not considered good, but after 3 months of playing RTS I've seen a lot of success. I'm not as successful as I've wanted to be with either venture, but in RTS I've been promoted to militarist of my alliance and otherwise won the approval of others. It's been a lot more rewarding.
Many people will say yes, but for others it will not be, perhaps many expert RTS players are people who seek challenges, and RTS are perfect for them, people who are not patient or do not have highly developed critical and strategic thinking may think they are too difficult.