Innovation and advancement are the two major pillars on which modern gaming stands. This is why different genres have periodically risen to mainstream popularity throughout history. However, those that couldn’t adapt to changing times faded into obscurity. The RTS genre has recently seen a resurgence in popularity, largely due to the significant innovations introduced by many indie studios. Yet, amidst this wave of innovation, many have forgotten what made RTS games from the golden age so memorable. It wasn’t cutting-edge graphics or the hyper-realism found in modern titles; it was their unique charm, an essence that seems to resonate in Respair Games’ newly announced title, Age of Respair.
One of the most consistently overlooked RTS titles of the early 2000s was undoubtedly Stronghold. Unlike others of its kind, it faded into obscurity after its failed third instalment. Resulting in many indie games rarely taking inspiration from it. Or so was the case until the recent announcement of Age of Respair. A title that seems to take the old gameplay of the niche title and plans to modernize it for a whole new audience. All the while also keeping what made those games so charming the same. Their recent trailer showcases many different systems they plan to implement into the game. Key amongst them are resource management and warfare.
Players will have control of a small keep and its adjacent land, where they will gather the natural resources and create their kingdom. The trailer depicts players gathering multiple different resources, such as wood, stone, and metals. Which are later used to create different agricultural, administrative, and militaristic buildings. Agricultural buildings include different types of farms and orchards alongside a granary. Administrative and militaristic are mostly used for the production of units and siege equipment. Yes, you heard me right siege equipment. As the game has a major focus on the construction of defences and their utter destruction through prime medieval-era technology. The trailer depicts large armies gathering to lay siege on heavily fortified castles. Castles alongside archer towers and stone walls also feature large moats to stop battering rams. Giving players the true medieval siege experience, that is if the pathfinding works out.

With the recent surge of remakes and remasters dominating the gaming industry, it seems only a matter of time before long-forgotten franchises are revived and marketed to tap into our nostalgia. Very little stands in the way of AAA developers doing just that. However, games like Age of Respair take a different path. While they draw inspiration from the classics, they don’t rely solely on nostalgia; instead, they build upon those foundations to create a fresh experience that moves the industry forward. If you’re a fan of the Stronghold series or are looking for modern RTS games with a classic feel, this is one to keep in mind.
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