The cyclical rise and fall of empires is the foundation of the iconic quote, “History is doomed to repeat itself.” From the ascent of the Romans to the collapse of monarchies, history has consistently followed this pattern. Yet, this historical cycle of nations rising and falling has rarely been explored in video games. A few titles that come to mind are the cult classics, Empire Earth and Rise of Nations, both of which are now decades old and some even unavailable on modern platforms. This has undoubtedly left a gap in the sub-genre, one that EPO Games aims to fill with their upcoming release, Empire Eternal. This game offers a modern take on the classic RTS sub-genre, utilizing contemporary hardware and systems to breathe new life into this unique theme.
The first thing to stand out to players will undoubtedly be the graphics. As they have a very nostalgic feel, despite being modern in every sense of the way. Said graphics are also shown a bit more in the recent trailer posted by the developers. Where we get to see the progression of the nation from humble hunters and gatherers to technologically supreme superpowers. It also manages to showcase the many units players will be able to command, from land and sea units to even aircraft. But much of these will be locked behind different eras, of which the Steam page boasts around 20. It will also feature a complete resource management system, alongside a massive single-player campaign where players will carve their name into the annals of history. Alongside this, there is also a promised multiplayer mode. Where players will be able to pick from a variety of game modes to play with their friends.
Moreover, the developer on the Steam page has also promised that players will be able to make custom content for the game. Ranging from custom units to even maps, but more information regarding this is still pending. As in the current age of gaming, mod support is what dictates the formation of a loyal player base. Aside from the basic RTS combat and advanced tactics derived from the advancing era system. The game will also feature some unit-specific systems, such as boarding ships, dynamic melee combat, and even scaling walls. Offering players a more dynamic approach to combat, but keep in mind these features will also be at the disposal of the enemy. Adding just the right amount of urgency to keep the gameplay from feeling stale.

Empire Eternal, though still in early development, shows a lot of promise. A recent update revealed that the game is being published by MicroProse Software, a company renowned for releasing classic strategic titles. This backing greatly increases the chances of Empire Eternal’s success. However, the game still requires significant refinement. While the graphics are impressive, they can become confusing during large-scale battles. Additionally, the era advancement mechanic will need to be carefully balanced to deliver an authentic experience. With the developers’ dedication and strong community support, there’s confidence that these issues will be resolved in time.
Wishlist on Steam.
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