In gaming, few stand the test of time, and even fewer are remembered fondly. Of all the games to have done so, perhaps none is more iconic than Age of Empire II. The RTS classic that brought about the golden age for the genre. And even now, 25 years after its initial release and 11 years after its HD definite edition, fans still want more. To which the developers have responded by announcing a new series of DLCs under the title of Chronicle. The first part of which will see us taken back to the age of antiquity, in the Battle for Greece. Chronicle also happens to be the first full release of CaptureAge, a studio of Age of Empire veterans dedicated to the franchise.
On the Steam post of the new DLC announcement, the developers emphasized the graphical overhaul of the game. The new DLC storyline and setting require all new units and building artwork, alongside updates to older ones to keep uniformity. Of the new units, 55 will be land-based ones, and 19 will be all-new naval units. This will coincide with the naval combat overhaul, with each of the three new factions getting unique units. Speaking of said new factions, we will have the Achaemenids, Athenians, and Spartans. These factions were specifically chosen by the developers, for they played a key role in the age of antiquity. Also, as per the developers, these factions will not be available for ranked play on launch. Mostly for balance reasons as this DLC will also have 85 new buildings. Which are bound to have a drastic effect on the meta of the online multiplayer.

These new factions will also have all new mechanics unique to them, such as the customizable town centers. New government policies, new gold resources in the ocean, and lastly new military research. It will also introduce a new campaign style to the game for the first time, which unlike the one in AOE IV will feature animated cutscenes and be more character-focused. This campaign will feature 21 scenarios including some of history’s most famous and consequential battles. Such as Marathon, Thermopylae, and Salamis, while also introducing fascinating historical figures such as the ruthless Spartan admiral, Lysander. The wise statesman, Pericles, and the fearless warrior queen, Artemisia! Battle of Greece is stated by the developers to start at the Ionian Revolt, through the Greco-Persian Wars, to the end of the Peloponnesian Wars. From where the new set of DLC will take place creating an era-spanning narrative.

RTS games have come a long way since the 90s the golden age of the genre. And while it might be seeing a resurgence in recent years, not many classics have survived the test of time. That is except for Age of Empire II, a game that even amid its genre’s downfall held a sizable player base. One which has only grown in recent years, leading to a whole new DLC project for a game that came out in 1999. Which just goes to show how far a solid foundation and a dedicated fanbase can get you. So, if you also wish to relive your childhood memories, or want to experience RTS games at their finest. Do give Age of Empire II Chronicles Battle of Greece a try.
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